Sunday, June 28, 2015



This petition will be delivered to Senator Ted Cruz:
Concerns about climate change aren't just politics. Meet with Hays County residents to discuss their concerns about role of climate change in making Texas floods more severe!
A letter from Scott & Carol Price, whose home was devastated in the Memorial Day flood in Wimberley, Texas:
          Dear Majesta,
We never thought the floodwaters would reach our home more than 40 feet above the Blanco Riveroutside of Austin. But today, we and hundreds of our neighbors are rebuilding, mourning the loss of life and, painfully, coming to terms with what scientists say may be a new normal if we don’t rein in climate pollution.
That's why we were horrified to hear our Senator, Ted Cruz, brush off a question about climate change by saying, “In a time of tragedy, I think it's wrong to try to politicize a natural disaster.”

This tragedy shows exactly why Senator Cruz needs to face the facts on climate change — and with the help of Forecast the Facts members, we'll personally deliver that message to him in Austin with our neighbors next week.

Floods are common in the Texas Hill Country, but not like this one — a tsunami-like wall of water that was the highest recorded flood in the history of the state. Unfortunately, that record may not last as long as we'd like, as a warming climate is predicted to make flooding and extreme precipitation more frequent and severe. Our State Climatologist said that climate change likely even amplified this flood. Scientists point to record ocean temperatures and warmer air boosting the power of the storm.

As we sift through the damage, we’ve been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from neighbors and local volunteers. Putting aside differences, our community is coming together to clean up the mess and build for the future. It's time to push Senator Cruz to do the same, and take responsibility for cleaning up climate pollution and building a cleaner future for his constituents.

Carol and Scott Price, Texas Homeowners


"More Rain Targeting Flood-Ravaged Texas; Did Climate Change Contribute to Floods?" New Day, CNN, 5-26-2015
"Gov. Abbot: The is the highest flood recorded in state of Texas," Austin American-Statesman, 5-25-2015
"Heavy Downpours Increasing" National Climate Assessment 2014, accessed 6-23-2015
"Climate Change May Have Souped up Record-Breaking Texas Deluge" Scientific American, 5-27-2015
"Climate Change, a Factor in Texas floods, Largely Ignored" Texas Tribune, 5-27-2015